About Me ๐Ÿ‘‹

I am currently a Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) at Cofense, a company that produces phishing simulation software and other resources for the information security community. Aspects of this role that I have enjoyed most are

  • Acting as the POC for automation tasks on my team (this includes failures/fires as well!)
  • Improving the test suites we have for performance and stability (nobody likes flakey, slow specs)
  • Incorporating build pipelines to run our regression suite at least nightly, as well as making release testing much smoother and providing far more coverage than testing all areas of the app ‘by hand’

I’m most interested in expanding my skillset into the information security and cloud engineering realms and I am looking to start with some certifications in each field to grow my skills.

In my free time I enjoy playing music whether it be drums, guitar, or electronic music (which really taps into my analytical brain!). I’m also a competent piano and bass player and love jamming with friends.

I have also recently taken up weightlifting as a hobby and to improve my health and strength and have really been enjoying the challenge.

A sample of the last few positions I’ve held:

Company Date Title Tech
Cofense 2020-Present Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET) II Ruby, RSpec, Watir, Capybara, Cucumber, Jenkins
Atlatl 2019-2020 QA Engineer III C#, Unity, Babylon.js, Python
Booz Allen Hamilton 2015-2019 Staff Technologist Java, Selenium, React, Protractor, SQL

For more of my job history see my LinkedIn.